Tuesday, June 30, 2009

**Follow My Channel Swim Live**

For those of you interested, you can follow my channel swim live by tracking the placement of my support boat. The web-site me false lead you on the exact location of the boat and the boat will not get all the way to shore but it will help you follow the approximate location and speed of the support boat. The night before I swim I will put a quick update on my blog saying I am swimming tomorrow and about what time I will start. As a reminder my tide is July 28th- August 6th so I will be swimming some time in that slot depending on weather conditions and the two swimmers going in front of me.
The link is- www.marinetraffic.com/ais
To make things easier for you, on the top left hand corner you are going to want to click map location and select English Channel, and then bellow that you will see all the different ship types, you can un click Cargo Vessels, Tankers, Accord/Moored this will help clear up some of the traffic so you can find my boat. If you want to watch all the boat traffic going around me you can leave them all on. My boats name is ANASTASIA and its MMSI number is 2350 19572. I will be swimming in the narrow part of the Channel in the Dover to Calais part

To watch the weather and water temperature follow the link below. It is the buoy in the closet location to were I should be swimming.

1 comment:

teacher said...

we are so excited about your adventure. So exciting ! and a big deal too. we will be following you and sending our good wishes. enjoy! john and jeff